There are a host of laws that simply do not make sense. Whether they be outdated, or just based on false assumptions, here is a list of laws that would do an immense amount of good if they were rewritten:
1. Non-violent drug offenders - should not be put in jail. Jail only turns them into criminals and causes more difficulty for drug users to straiten out their lives. It also costs the nation billions in tax dollars. Make rehab or education the "punishment" for using drugs. Drug use should not be illegal - it should be taxed. This would eliminate drug money going to support violent cartels and terrorists, and the money could be used for treatment. This would improve the lives of addicts - they would not need to rely on crime to pay for drugs, and would not receive tainted doses that kill them or make them sick.
2. Bad drivers - we need to make a driver's license much harder to get. Driving a vehicle is a dangerous thing. We need to make extensive driver training mandatory for getting a license, similar to what one needs to get a CDL. Drivers should be tested regularly as they get old, since elderly drivers lose critical skills. Cell phones should be illegal to use while driving. This would lower traffic fatalities, lessen road rage frustration, and lower auto insurance. It would also encourage public transportation, saving on greenhouse emissions.
3. Public transportation - should be encouraged. All major cities should provide eco-friendly, reliable transportation for free. Tax money should go to pay for clean, comfortable trains, buses, and shuttles with extensive all-hours schedules. It would lessen pollution, traffic, highway deaths, and improve the quality of life (good public transportation is much more satisfying than the stress of driving everywhere).
4. Public education - should be based on a voucher system. Schools should be made to compete for students' monies. Competition is what fuels our society, and makes it better. The level of education would drastically increase, and parents would be given a choice as to how their kids are taught.
5. Credit cards, banks, and check cashing businesses - should be held more accountable for their policies. Predatory lending acts should be banned. Banks make profit from setting "traps" for naive customers, encouraging them to make mistakes. This is just immoral.
6. Politicians - should all have term limits. Average citizens should be our policy makers, not professional politicians. Careers in politics nearly always lead to corruption.
7. Police - their actions should be recorded. Too many bad cops are out there getting away with abuse. They should be paid more and monitored more closely. There should be an extensive performance review every year, and citizens who have dealt with each cop should be interviewed about their experience. Police exist to serve the community - they should be held accountable, and should be evaluated like any commercial service personnel.
8. Health care - should be free. The first thing a civilization needs is security for the well being of its citizens. Quality health care should be paid for by taxes. People should still be able to pick their doctors and plans - given a voucher for a certain amount of coverage by the state. This way, competition still exists to keep providers at their best. No one should have to go without medical treatment.
9. Small businesses - should be encouraged with tax breaks and free education. Low cost loans should be available to those who would like to start a business. This policy would increase competition, discourage monopolies, and improve the quality of life of small business owners.
10. Immigration - immigrants who would normally be sneaking in to the US should be allowed to come here to work - at a higher tax rate, lower wages, and without government benefits. Menial labor jobs should be made available to them if they choose - jobs that most Americans would prefer not have. Let us benefit from the problem! Who wouldn't hire a housekeeper for $3/hr? This may take away jobs from US citizens, but those citizens could save money outsourcing labor to immigrants, and get training for a better job.
11. Job training - should be free from the government. Not college and university - but short, career oriented training. This would improve the workforce, and the more money people make, the more tax money there is. Everyone wins.
12. Shorter work hours - an employee who works 20 hours a week happily will get more done than one who works 40 hours a week miserably. We should allow for happier workers. We should have more vacations and shorter work weeks. Work is not life!
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