Here I am at 5:30Am, too annoyed to sleep. My shoulder hurts, so I got up to take some ibuprofen. I read my email while waiting for it to kick in. My Windows-run PC crashes four times just trying to get to read my email - which is pretty much the norm. If I just try to connect my external hard drive to open up some photos, I usually encounter two days worth of troubleshooting - this from the version of Windows that people call stable! I would use my brand new computer, but it encountered fatal errors within two weeks of arriving from the factory - and for over six months it has sat in the office of a highly trained computer repair person who is either unable to fix it, or just isn't working on it. Unbelievable. I spent hundreds of dollars on it - I may as well have stuck that money up my ass.
Finally, I got my email up. I encounter the following:
Nevermind. I tried to cop/paste, but for some reason Firefox just doesn't let me select things sometimes. About half the time. 99% of the time I spend on computers, something is not working right. About half the time, it is so bad that I cannot do what it is I set out to do! Unfucking believable. What happened to quality control? Why do we accept this crap? Why do we not demand our money back? I plan to get a new, updated computer from HP to make up for all the missed time I had from the new one I bought not working.
Blogger works well, though. Google is a bright spot in a dark, dark forest of shoddy, infuriatingly poor made and supported products. Imagine if your TV only turned on once every three tries. Imagine if you could almost never watch your favorite programs because they did not function. How long would you remain a customer? How long would you keep that TV? We put up with it from Microsoft, though, because we are used to it. Used to being treated like shit. My Mac at work NEVER crashes. EVER. It just works - amazing. A product that does what it is supposed to do. What a concept!
Well, I was going to show you two articles. One about a woman who smuggled 2500 kids out of Nazi camps. She just died, and did not get the Nobel Peace Prize. The point was that we should be outraged because she was denied it and Al Gore won it for his movie. We are supposed to hate Al Gore for winning the Prize, I guess. We are supposed to associate him with the Nazi's who killed kids, because he purposefully took this prize away from some old lady who saved babies from Nazis (could you get more sentimental than that?). The point of the email was that we should hate Al Gore. Because he won a prize. He didn't decide the prize. Hell, he probably didn't even know the other lady was up for it. He only made a movie trying to save the entire world. How selfish! He should go to hell for that.
I'm sick of people bashing Al Gore. Whether he has a big house or not, he is trying (much, much harder than the writer of that email) to save the planet. He is doing as much as he can. He has dedicated his life to it. He has given up his career in order to spend all of his time trying to save the Earth. And people like this fucking retard who wrote that email hate him for it. People do not deserve to have the planet saved for them. We need to have two planet Earths. One, that can be fucked and ruined by every idiot who says we are not causing global warming, that somehow 2500 human lives are more valuable than the fate of every living thing on the planet. Those same people are the ones who think it is ok to beat animals, that poverty-stricken Africans should just get a job, and that any and all brown people should be humiliated, tortured, and killed because of something an American-trained asshole did (with or without the help of the US gov.) to get back at us for a hundred years of oppression and murder of their people.
That's right. 9/11 was just retribution. It was the next move in a never ending series of two groups of people killing one another. We strike, they strike, we strike back, they strike back. It is how WAR works. If we try to kill them, they are going to try to kill us. This is the myopic world in which most republicans live in. They see only as far as the last strike against us, and feel that we should do all in our power to retaliate. I see republicans and extremist Muslims as the same creatures. Most of the US is every bit as guilty of bloodlust as any of them.
We could stop it right now. We could lay down all of our weapons and say enough. We could stop invading them, and tell the entire world that we will no longer take part in revenge attacks. If we were to seriously just lay down all of our weapons, there would be no terrorists - they would have nothing to be fighting against. It is so bleedingly simple, yet no one gets it. I have to say that I think 95% of the human population is fucking worthless. Personally, I hope we go all out nuclear war - WW III! I hope we bomb each other back to the stone age. And, I hope we stay in the stone age this time. The rest of the planet would be better off for it (after nature recovered from our destruction). Let the animals rule - we suck at it.
The other email I wanted to show you was another outrage piece about a well built state of the art prison in Austria. The Austrians have the nerve to treat their prisoners with respect - to try to rehab them instead of just punishing them. How dare they! How dare they try to correct the problems of society, when they could GET REVENGE! They should water board those white collar and petty criminals - those who stole money to feed their family, or to get a taste of the good life. Those who did drugs to escape the drudgery of life, or sold drugs to get some good money in a world where that is the only way certain people can ever get ahead. We really could be spending tons of money to abuse those people and turn them into real criminals - murderers and rapists - instead of giving them treatment, clean food, respect, and a chance to improve or make up for what they did.
If I were elected president, the first thing I would do (ok, second after decriminalizing all drug use) would be to round up all the people in the country who feel they have the right to tell others how to live, and give them whatever part of the country they represent percentage-wise. If 94% of the US believes they can tell others how to dress, who they can or can't marry, what they can or can't do with their own body, who they can or can't pray to, etc. - I would take all those people and put them in 94% of the country (starting with the mid west - those guys won't have to move). The 6% of us who respect one another can have the other 6% of the real estate (probably Cali and Alaska). The first 94% can sit around making one another miserable, while the rest of us live a lovely, productive, happy life unbothered by such befuckery.
We get the Macs, and they get all the PC's.
Nuclear Jellyfish ON SALE NOW!
16 years ago
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