There's Elroy over there - see the guy with the Statue of Liberty Mohawk? Right. How could you not? It's red today. It was neon green last time.
You know how we all got different side effects from the implants? Elroy can see inside people. Not their bones and guts, but their inner emotions. It's kind of like mind reading, but he said it's just flashes. Fuck - let's go. I'll let him explain.
"Yeah bo," Elroy shouted, his deep southern drawl distinct even above the roar of the crowd. "I see shit people are thinking, bo.
"Not awull the time - jus' when ya get uh sudden, loud," his eyes had the tell-tale glossy look of a strong inebriation, "a loud emotion, ya know. Uh feelun. I - Uh feelun, bo. I jus' see it, ya know. They all got colors. Feeluns, I meyun.
"Zow - jus' like that bo! You jus' gots a liddle, ha ha huh, a lil' bit a' green on ya. You's feelin' uncomf-terbul dude? Ha ha ha! Lolzies - I make you nervous, bo? Das' rich man! Hey - you notice all da birds a gone? Dey gone man, gaaaawn!"
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16 years ago