Everything turned dark purple and got really dark, like someone had doused the lights and turned on a blacklight. That's when she first appeared, all covered in gunk.
I hadn't seen her before, but lately I had been hearing a lot of talk about a girl they called the "vortex slut" who materialized out of thin air.
Things had gotten weird since they put the implants in. We weren't quite used to them yet, and no one really knew what to expect. I had a long history of psychotropic drug abuse, so hallucinations didn't phase me quite as much as most folks, but this was still some strange shit.
Pogo had stolen some ChapterOne diskettes a while back and shared them with me. When we were exploring the disks, we came across some references to dimension-tripping people, but I had never expected to meet one, and definitely not here. But like I said, all rules were off now that the Corporation had hacked our brains (at least that was how we saw it). They never expected the revolution that followed. I think they planned on some kind of mass subconscious control over the population, but with all the freaks out there they got a little more than they bargained for, opening up all those weird psyches and patching them together all at once.
Well, hold my beer. I've got to go talk to this vortex slut. I'll come back to you in a while.
Hang on, is she naked under all that slop? Cool...
Nuclear Jellyfish ON SALE NOW!
16 years ago
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